About us

We are well known ‘Pest Control Organization’ from last 27 years providing services to various Private Companies, Malls, Banks, Government Organization i.e., CPWD, CENTRAL RAILWAY, NASIK MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. (Entire Nasik City Mosquito Control) .We are ISO 9001: 2008 approved.
We have adequately qualified personal with us who are well versed in “Pest Control Operations”. Our technical staff and operator are trained under the guidance of reputed pest control operations. Hence we are confident that we will be able to render quality service to you.
We are registered & accredited with Directorate of PPQ &S, Govt. of India, as per the latest national and international standards (NSPM 11&12,ISPM-15)and are thus authorized to carry out fumigation of wooden packing materials and affix the ISPM-15 mark.
We are also authorized to carry out fumigation as per the latest AFAS-AQIS Methyl Bromide standard.
Our Services Includes
Termite control
(Pre-Post Construction)
Rodent control
(Rat Control)
General Pest Control
Control against cockroaches bugs, insects etc.
Fly control
House Fly
(Mosquito Control)
Export Fumigation
Wooden Pallets or Boxes,& Export Container as per ISPM -15